Friday, February 26, 2010

a menagerie of thoughts

hlm and I decided we must pick up our game…with blogging. Well I guess we should pick up our game in other areas too (he he). So it is almost march, and currently feels like I should be out Christmas shopping because of the temperature. This is ridiculous, why did the groundhog have to show his face? Preposterous.

as I sit at Starbucks on a Friday evening (im sooooo coool WOW), I wonder what in the world I could possibly blog about. Recently I have had more than 5 people ask me the dreaded phrase of “whats new in your life,” and I hesitate…followed by a response of “absolutely nothing.” Don’t you hate that? I just wish something interesting would happen. Something big, like maybe I get an internship this summer, or make it on American idol. But I guess you could say those are small dreams that are not wanting to fall in my lap. Instead, days go by where I just wonder if this part of life is uneventful for everyone my age. Well, I shouldn’t say uneventful because I have had plenty of fun doing gosh knows what in the past year, but I mean something substantial. Something worth talking about, or for this matter, blogging about.

so I’ve decided upon these topics: The Bachelor, lent, and job searching. Three things that have taken a pretty significant step into my life and replaced any past priorities. Yes, I’m sure if anyone is reading this they are questioning my sanity considering my claim for the bachelor to have become a part of my life, but it’s the truth. And fortunately, I’m not afraid to admit it. It is fair to say that this reality television show, as contrived and NON-real as it is, gets me through my week. But at the same time I’m struggling to identify what aspect of the show I am so attracted to. Is it the drama? Could it possibly be the dreamy Jake Pavelka? Or is it the story line? (yeah right, what story line). And I do believe I’m coming to a conclusion. It’s the drama. It’s the thrill I get from watching twenty something girls fight over the worlds biggest faggot. And oh wait, Vienna wins? Really? Jake is proving himself to be even cooler by the day. I have a small fascination with the girls on this show. I find it so entertaining to analyze their personalities, and see if they really are bachelor material. There comes a point where you have to ask, how crazy do these girls have to be to sign up for a reality show where you “fall in love” in a 6 week time period. HA. They are exposing themselves to the entire nation. They are putting their reputation on the line. They are allowing producers to manipulate the story line, which in-turn manipulates their public image. They are allowing a camera crew to follow them 15 hours a day. And they honestly think that this environment will permit them to find the “true” love they are searching for? Most seasons have ended with a proposal that is soon followed by a brutal break-up. Shocking, huh? Well when you go from living in an atmosphere that has no access to the real world, to actually being surrounded by normal people, it’s a big reality check. Keyword: reality. For this season, I pray that Jake, as big of a weirdo as he is, realizes that the lion-of-a-woman he has chosen to be with is actually a kaniving whore that stole her ex-husbands money to get fake boobs. Enough about that. I just hope my love life doesn’t boil down to me being forced to sign up for a reality show in order to find love. Big fear, people.

I’ve always told the chick below that she needs to go on the bachelor, but after this season she is far too sane to endure that kind of torture.

on to more important issues like lent. One of the classes I am taking this semester talks a lot about setting goals and executing. A quote from Betty Youngs reads, "Goals represent expectations, hopes and dreams, and to the extent our goals are achieved, we are successful." Well I want to feel successful. I want to prove that I can live up to the expectations I set for myself. So my first step is to rid my life of cursing. You may be thinking that isn’t actually a goal, nor is it conceivable, but it has thus far proved itself to be. I have always been taught how unattractive cursing is, to both the friends that surround me and to outsiders. Why is it necessary to spit the word “bitch” out in the middle of a sentence. Well, the truth is, it isn’t. It’s a habit that people get in, and just like any other habit, is hard to get away from. Lent is the perfect opportunity to test my willpower, and I feel like I’ve proved to myself that setting goals really does make executing so much easier. Hopefully this experience will lead me to become a lifelong “goal setter” help make me a better person!

well, I wanted to talk about the “j” word. (job). But hlm I think pretty much covered it. I just don’t get why we have to grow up. I want to go back to the days of microphone head. When people thought I was 5 even though I was 10. When I was mistaken for a boy on most days. When summer days consisted of summer-fun-day camp and swimming at RCCC instead of working in the real world. Whos idea was it that people have to work? Ok, now im starting to sound pathetic, but the search is just plain stressful and has consumed me emotionally and psychologically. I pray that luck will come my way and I wont be stuck in the wonderful metropolis of Houston for the summer of 2010. Yuck.

a few pics… New Years 2010-New Orleans

my little behbeh just turned one last week!!!!!!!

see you later blog world. Sorry for the lengthy post. Its just how I like to spend my Fridays.

its been a while...

as i am often reminded by ews, i haven't posted in quite some time. i feel like i am in the midst of the longest never ending to-do list that has ever existed, although i am sure this isn't actually the case. for all those people who have recently looked for jobs or internships and have been successful, i am oh so jealous of you. who knew getting an unpaid internship where you aren't even being picky about what the job entails could be so hard??

amongst constant school work, it seems like internship searching requires about every other waking moment of my time [whether it be actually working or just thinking about my continual procrastination]. in the end, if nyc this summer pans out as i hope, all the effort will be worth it. okayyy enough about jobs....

last saturday turned into quite the long afternoon and evening but it was really fun. mms, mkyp, mlk, hch, eycm and i went to the terrapin beer tour in athens. if you haven't heard of terrapin beer, you should definitely try it! terrapin is brewed in athens, so on some weeknights tours of the facility and samples of the beer are given. since the time you are allowed to stay is limited and you are given lots of tickets for beer, we decided to skip the tour and sample as many of the beers as we had time for.

after we left, mlk and i were excited to meet up with some of our guy friends in town for the night from w&l. lucky for them, they had the whole week off for "feb break." a bunch of us went downtown to eat pizza and ended up staying out for the night. starting the night at about 4:30 and ending it around 4 am made for an extremely tired and hungover sunday.

toward the end of last week, i decided it was in mine and my wallet's best interest to head home for the weekend and try to mooch off my parents. it is nice to have a little time to catch up on sleep and be with my family, but as always i am sad to be away from athens. i don't even know if i can make it at home until sunday.

the official spring break countdown has begun. one week from today, we will begin celebrating a much needed break from school. i think i am looking forward to this spring break more than ever before. all of my friends are headed to key west for a week of too much fun i'm sure. instead, i am going to visit nrs, one of my best friends from home, for a week in france. she is in aix-en-provence for the semester, so we are spending a few days there and a few days in paris. i absolutely cannot wait to leave. i've never been to france before and didn't even make it during my study abroad this summer, despite having taking french for 5 years in high school.

i'll be back sooner than later and am trying to get better about taking pictures to post. i hope everyone else's lives aren't quite as busy as i feel like mine is.

on a side note: good luck to eycm & vcp in the half marathon tomorrow

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

is there an end in sight?

oh wait... but thats not an option. not only do i feel as if time is flying faster than jake pavelka's airplane (ha ha), but the next 6 months hold NO break. well, spring (break)...but i'm not sure i would consider going to keywest for a week with the entire population of UGA, much of a break. alright i've used "break" too many times..sorry.
soo... there was a big saints victory, there was ehs deb (which hlm mentioned) and there was mardi gras. but i wouldnt even call it mardi gras, the mardi was more of a pardi. i felt like i spent the weekend with the cast of jersey shore, snooks and situation included. but to begin with the most important: the who dat nation kicking butt and taking names against the colts (poor behbeh payton). but i mean, i have never really watched a more phenomenal football game to this day. not only was drew on fire, the saints fans in miami, new orleans, and everyone else around the world, were cheering for this group of people as if they were about to declare a cure for cancer. a little dramatic of a comparison, but i'm just trying to get my point across. mlk went back home to nola to celebrate with the rest of the city, and brought word back that it may-or-may-not have been more insane than any mardi gras she has ever attended. what can i say?--im a member of the most proud nation in america: who dat. my celebration in athens, unfortunately, was not so up-to-par. we decided to attempt a little "girl/guy" party (which is pretty rare around the 706) and cook out slash make queso with the guys on 5th ave. naturally, and not to my surprise, 97.5% of the guys that attended this shin-dig rooted against new orleans. not because they are colts fans, but merely as a result of their deeply rooted jealousy of the proud fans. its ok though, their attempt to challenge the skill of those babies was soon proven oh-so-wrong. and i laughed. and cried (oops, it was the purple haze.)

on to the weekend that shaved off a good 5-6 years of my life. at this point, i think my liver function is headed in a downward spiral, and my mental capacity to think about anything school related is shot. i don't mean to sound like some big/bad college kid who likes to party, im just stating the facts. its mardi gras. i mean pardi gras. like hlm has said, ehs was in hermes on thursday night which was probably the most outrageous mardi gras ball i have been to yet. there was just something about the people, the costumes, the decor, that stood out from prophets of persia, harlequins, osiris, or any of the other "carnival events" i have attended. after the first 10 minutes of presenting the maids, kings, queens yadda yadda, i was already thinking about the band. i would soon come to find out it was not just one band, it was two. for me, i felt like a little girl on christmas morning. little did i realize, my dress would spend the evening falling swiftly below my chest, when i would least expect it. therefore, im sure the city of new orleans has a pretty clear image of what my body looks like. GREAT. so much for my ever-so-obvious obsession of getting on stage and sharing the spotlight with the band.

the next two nights really dont have much substance for me to share. there was a lot of dancing on pool tables, listening to mlk sing to "ga ga rah mah mah" whilst fist pumping, and harassing cab drivers who (most of the time) refused to drive us anywhere. it was pardi gras, and that is that. not a weekend in athens, not a weekend out of athens, and definitely not a break. it was what my friends like to call "the best weekend of the year"-simply put.

now when am i going to be given a chance to breathe? oh wait, its college. sorry for partying.

pardi gras 2k10

its hard to believe after SOOO much anticipation mardi gras has already come and gone. i think i can confidently say that mardi gras 2k9 was one of the best weekends of all of our friends' lives - so this year had a lot to live up to.

we left athens on wednesday to head to nola. thursday night we all went to ehs's deb ball, hermes. the ball was a blast... especially since there were 2 bands in the room so the music played for about 6 hours straight. after a night of pardiying all over town we crammed in the hotel room and got about 2 hours of terrible sleep (ews even slept inside the closet with only her tiny toes sticking out)

friday morning we got up and headed to pat o's (an outdoor bar on bourbon with amaazzingg hurricanes -- just ask clc about how much she liked them last year) after a long day downtown we headed back uptown to f&m's with some of our friends and uga/memphis boys --- ews, ecm, and clc staked out a spot on top of the pool table to dance the night away.

saturday morning started earrrlyyy (about 8 am) with us uptown and beating down the door of superior grill when it opened at 11 am. after watching the parades, we spent the afternoon and night uptown at fat harry's --- to say the least this was one LONG dayyy. everyone had headed home by about 1.

marddiiii grasss was quite the success but has left all of us exhausted and not wanting to go out for awhile.

now lets start the countdown to spring break!!!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

making history


lets talk about making history: new orleans saints first EVER superbowl--what i would do to be in miami celebrating with the boys and the rest of the city. i have heard that almost all billboards in miami are equipped with a fleur-de-lis, and a friendly "who dat" could be heard coming from anyone from a mcdonalds worker to the mayer of the city. im hoping history will continue to be made with a big win, assuming that peyton manning gives his own home team a little slack on the field. can't wait to see what happens....the anxiety is increasing by the minute.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

lets see where this takes us

after MUCH thought, deliberation, and well...a whole lot of criticism, we decided to give the blogging world a shot. whether posting will be a daily occurrence, or simply a weekly glimpse into the happenings of our kRaZaY life, we felt this was a great way to document the last two years of the best four years of our life. We will admit, being twenty-one and having a "blog" is a tid bit ambitious.. but why not do something different, join our tech-savvy world and show the old folks out there what kind of fun they are missing out on.

with a group of friends our size, i can guarantee we can pull together some pretty humorous, almost always exciting, and if your lucky thrilling, stories to sum up what goes on in athens, ga.