Friday, February 26, 2010

a menagerie of thoughts

hlm and I decided we must pick up our game…with blogging. Well I guess we should pick up our game in other areas too (he he). So it is almost march, and currently feels like I should be out Christmas shopping because of the temperature. This is ridiculous, why did the groundhog have to show his face? Preposterous.

as I sit at Starbucks on a Friday evening (im sooooo coool WOW), I wonder what in the world I could possibly blog about. Recently I have had more than 5 people ask me the dreaded phrase of “whats new in your life,” and I hesitate…followed by a response of “absolutely nothing.” Don’t you hate that? I just wish something interesting would happen. Something big, like maybe I get an internship this summer, or make it on American idol. But I guess you could say those are small dreams that are not wanting to fall in my lap. Instead, days go by where I just wonder if this part of life is uneventful for everyone my age. Well, I shouldn’t say uneventful because I have had plenty of fun doing gosh knows what in the past year, but I mean something substantial. Something worth talking about, or for this matter, blogging about.

so I’ve decided upon these topics: The Bachelor, lent, and job searching. Three things that have taken a pretty significant step into my life and replaced any past priorities. Yes, I’m sure if anyone is reading this they are questioning my sanity considering my claim for the bachelor to have become a part of my life, but it’s the truth. And fortunately, I’m not afraid to admit it. It is fair to say that this reality television show, as contrived and NON-real as it is, gets me through my week. But at the same time I’m struggling to identify what aspect of the show I am so attracted to. Is it the drama? Could it possibly be the dreamy Jake Pavelka? Or is it the story line? (yeah right, what story line). And I do believe I’m coming to a conclusion. It’s the drama. It’s the thrill I get from watching twenty something girls fight over the worlds biggest faggot. And oh wait, Vienna wins? Really? Jake is proving himself to be even cooler by the day. I have a small fascination with the girls on this show. I find it so entertaining to analyze their personalities, and see if they really are bachelor material. There comes a point where you have to ask, how crazy do these girls have to be to sign up for a reality show where you “fall in love” in a 6 week time period. HA. They are exposing themselves to the entire nation. They are putting their reputation on the line. They are allowing producers to manipulate the story line, which in-turn manipulates their public image. They are allowing a camera crew to follow them 15 hours a day. And they honestly think that this environment will permit them to find the “true” love they are searching for? Most seasons have ended with a proposal that is soon followed by a brutal break-up. Shocking, huh? Well when you go from living in an atmosphere that has no access to the real world, to actually being surrounded by normal people, it’s a big reality check. Keyword: reality. For this season, I pray that Jake, as big of a weirdo as he is, realizes that the lion-of-a-woman he has chosen to be with is actually a kaniving whore that stole her ex-husbands money to get fake boobs. Enough about that. I just hope my love life doesn’t boil down to me being forced to sign up for a reality show in order to find love. Big fear, people.

I’ve always told the chick below that she needs to go on the bachelor, but after this season she is far too sane to endure that kind of torture.

on to more important issues like lent. One of the classes I am taking this semester talks a lot about setting goals and executing. A quote from Betty Youngs reads, "Goals represent expectations, hopes and dreams, and to the extent our goals are achieved, we are successful." Well I want to feel successful. I want to prove that I can live up to the expectations I set for myself. So my first step is to rid my life of cursing. You may be thinking that isn’t actually a goal, nor is it conceivable, but it has thus far proved itself to be. I have always been taught how unattractive cursing is, to both the friends that surround me and to outsiders. Why is it necessary to spit the word “bitch” out in the middle of a sentence. Well, the truth is, it isn’t. It’s a habit that people get in, and just like any other habit, is hard to get away from. Lent is the perfect opportunity to test my willpower, and I feel like I’ve proved to myself that setting goals really does make executing so much easier. Hopefully this experience will lead me to become a lifelong “goal setter” help make me a better person!

well, I wanted to talk about the “j” word. (job). But hlm I think pretty much covered it. I just don’t get why we have to grow up. I want to go back to the days of microphone head. When people thought I was 5 even though I was 10. When I was mistaken for a boy on most days. When summer days consisted of summer-fun-day camp and swimming at RCCC instead of working in the real world. Whos idea was it that people have to work? Ok, now im starting to sound pathetic, but the search is just plain stressful and has consumed me emotionally and psychologically. I pray that luck will come my way and I wont be stuck in the wonderful metropolis of Houston for the summer of 2010. Yuck.

a few pics… New Years 2010-New Orleans

my little behbeh just turned one last week!!!!!!!

see you later blog world. Sorry for the lengthy post. Its just how I like to spend my Fridays.


  1. y'all are failing on this whole "picking up your game" thing. just a thought. am I still the only person reading this?

  2. I would read it if there was ever anything to read...
