Thursday, July 1, 2010

you can call me aunt vicki

Well... hello there friendly visitors. Pardon my brief absence, its been a rough 2 (maybe 3) months in the life of these two ladies. I guess by rough I mean unusually busy, exceptionally entertaining, and frighteningly new. It sure is a wonder this page didn’t just dry up and disappear, but DON’T FRET, we are here. Or I am here, HLM may or may not have started to realize this was not the alley she wanted to be walking down. (deep?)

EEEENEY who. Lots, and I mean LOTS has happened since February 26th, 2010. Now that I think about it, I may have blacked out for all 2nd semester. Not much is stored in the memory except, of course, showercap. The one day of the year I can dress like a certified douche bag, camera and kate spade backpack included, and prance around the lawn of SA-Faggots (SAE) unphased by the collection of people staring, most likely asking who in Jake Pavelka’s name do I think I am!??!?! Well I survived and was named showerkappa-er of the year. HA.

So junior year comes to an end, I beat the shiz out of my finals, and the summer I never expected to arrive, did in fact, throw itself in my face, equipped with a new place, new people, new condescending ass holes, new smells, new bars, new *boys*, and generally a new concept of reality. And with the new reality comes the constant fear that my future may consist of street (pole) dancing on bourbon for food, and lonely nights at the magazine street homeless shelter. Why can’t I flash back to the days of stardom on RCCC dive team, and summer fun day camp? Theres gotta be a time machine somewhere in New York city. I guess its true, being a kid is just that much more fun.

As for highlights. I don’t know how I can possibly summarize the happenings of the past however-many months. Im thinking about making them in to bullet points, or maybe just writing exactly what im thinking. But when I think about it, that could result in some pretty dangerous (and provocative) material. I have to remember, this blog is intended to be a journal that I can refer to when I have little toe headed nuggets running around. You never know, one of them might end up like me (lets hope not).

Arrival date: May 29th. Head to the hotel to meet the Beers because our shit hole of an apt is not ready yet. Head to Greenwhich to visit their family, who by the way have THE most beautiful house I’ve seen in a while. Greenwhich is just as serene as I expected: Green, hilly, MASSIVE, preppy, and filled with hot men (including Kingsleys younger cousins….both of whom i’ve already friended on facepad. oops?)
Next step: Going out in NY. Went to Gatsbys/Firefly and saw a bunch of familiar faces. That was fun. Realized how shitty my apartment was, and experienced a non-air conditioned living space. Noticed the roof in my room was all windows, therefore sleep became scarce. Shopped around the hood in search of good, and maybe cheap food. Found nothing of that sort, except some 15 dollar unbelievably tasty guacamole. Friends arrived, saw their apartment. Didnt buy anything for myself due to the exceptionally high prices of anything from water to deoderent. Went to the boat basin where we drank pitchers of blue moon and gazed at a group of hott Vanderbilt kids.

Learned the subway, after a short jaunt to the bronx (on accident.) Whitney Gastons birthday on her gay uncles rooftop. Experienced my first “club” and lavished in the bottomless vodka (talk about HEADACHE!). Danced a bit too hard. Went to dinner with Andy (Paiges BF) friends from Vanderbilt and SMU at a set price sushi place. Did a sake bomb for the first time. Traded silly bands. Got iced by more than 7 people and refused to take a knee, instead sipping it at the dinner table. Went to an 80s cover band concert and was sent home early due to the release of baby sowa. Meandered through central park and ended up at the boat house with fabulous bloody Marys. Went to PJ Clarkes more than 3 times. Found a cheap bar that we were told attracts anyone from interns on a budget to those on welfare. Partied with Sangalis. Spice Market for C.Adams birthday. Became obsessed with Wayne....and listening to him on the subway. Questionable. Learned that fedoras are hott on guys. Found the best 2 dollar iced coffee in the nation that's worth the excruciating stomach pains (and bathroom runs) :) . Learned the meaning of the word “dutch.” Went on 3 dates that I paid for. Went to the biergarten at the Standard and soaked up the Euro-ness. Went to a great church with great people. Watched sluts ride a mechanical bull and questioned my sanity. Pretended to be a USA soccer fan. Pretended to be a TCU baseball fan. Gained 7 lbs. And i guess its only fitting to end with the most relevant of all.... Experienced the pain and neglect that comes from being nothing more than a worthless intern. I guess I should elaborate.

For me to say that I expected to have a work load similar to those in banking would be a lie, but at the same time there was an expectation to learn, to grow, to feel like i was benefiting the company, and to be put to work. But those expectations were far from accurate. Yes the exposure to a business environment is something new and different. Yes the early mornings and late nights have forced me to mature. Yes the idea of sitting at a desk with my own computer and phone is thrilling. Yes the few times I sit in on client meetings is interesting. But the amount of time I sit at my desk, staring in to blank space, with absolutely nothing to do, is unfathomable. Do my employers just not get it? Does the business really not need someone to do the bitch work? Do they not think i’m drowning in boredom? I guess bitching about it on a blog is like beating a dead horse. Its not like this blog can respond with sympathy (which my parents refuse to give me.) I guess I just need to sit back and realize I would never have known that this industry is not for me without this experience, and for that I am grateful.

So off to DC I go. The thought of getting to leave work hours early feels about as good as when my friends pull my front pieces of hair. I cannot wait to be reunited with all of my bitchez in one place, for 4 whole days. Its going to be a marathon, and i am ready to run.

Peace Love Adulthood

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