Friday, February 26, 2010

its been a while...

as i am often reminded by ews, i haven't posted in quite some time. i feel like i am in the midst of the longest never ending to-do list that has ever existed, although i am sure this isn't actually the case. for all those people who have recently looked for jobs or internships and have been successful, i am oh so jealous of you. who knew getting an unpaid internship where you aren't even being picky about what the job entails could be so hard??

amongst constant school work, it seems like internship searching requires about every other waking moment of my time [whether it be actually working or just thinking about my continual procrastination]. in the end, if nyc this summer pans out as i hope, all the effort will be worth it. okayyy enough about jobs....

last saturday turned into quite the long afternoon and evening but it was really fun. mms, mkyp, mlk, hch, eycm and i went to the terrapin beer tour in athens. if you haven't heard of terrapin beer, you should definitely try it! terrapin is brewed in athens, so on some weeknights tours of the facility and samples of the beer are given. since the time you are allowed to stay is limited and you are given lots of tickets for beer, we decided to skip the tour and sample as many of the beers as we had time for.

after we left, mlk and i were excited to meet up with some of our guy friends in town for the night from w&l. lucky for them, they had the whole week off for "feb break." a bunch of us went downtown to eat pizza and ended up staying out for the night. starting the night at about 4:30 and ending it around 4 am made for an extremely tired and hungover sunday.

toward the end of last week, i decided it was in mine and my wallet's best interest to head home for the weekend and try to mooch off my parents. it is nice to have a little time to catch up on sleep and be with my family, but as always i am sad to be away from athens. i don't even know if i can make it at home until sunday.

the official spring break countdown has begun. one week from today, we will begin celebrating a much needed break from school. i think i am looking forward to this spring break more than ever before. all of my friends are headed to key west for a week of too much fun i'm sure. instead, i am going to visit nrs, one of my best friends from home, for a week in france. she is in aix-en-provence for the semester, so we are spending a few days there and a few days in paris. i absolutely cannot wait to leave. i've never been to france before and didn't even make it during my study abroad this summer, despite having taking french for 5 years in high school.

i'll be back sooner than later and am trying to get better about taking pictures to post. i hope everyone else's lives aren't quite as busy as i feel like mine is.

on a side note: good luck to eycm & vcp in the half marathon tomorrow

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